4 Benefits Online Giving And Offering Envelopes Share

Every church relies on their weekly offerings to support its ministries and to cover the day to day operations. In working with churches and their finances, it is noticeably evident that the stability of the finances have nothing to do with the size of the church body, but rather, the understanding of the generations within their church body. According to online giving surveys, online giving by generation is:

  • Greatest Generation
    • 11.8% of US population
    • 30% have given online donations in the last 12 months
    • Give more frequently than younger generations
  • Baby Boomers
    • 23.6% of the US population
    • 26% gave online from being asked thru social media
    • Are more likely to make recurring donations
  • Generation X
    • 20.4% of US population
    • 59% are inspired to donate to causes thru social media
    • Are more likely to give and donate time to a cause
  • Millennials
    • 25.9% of US population
    • 84% give to charity
    • More likely to donate in response to a video

Through all generations we see that online giving is becoming more and more popular. Therefore, it is necessary for churches to embrace the trend and provide their church body with the opportunity to continue to give. By this, I am considering the fact that most banks aren’t even giving checks out anymore and the majority of people don’t carry cash. This leaves a growing number of members that feel they would like to give to their church, that there just isn’t a way for them to participate. Tithe.ly provides an easy solution for churches to implement a free, customized online giving platform!

4 Benefits Online Giving And Offering Envelopes Share

Many churches use offering envelopes already, but now with online giving they can share the following advantages with a larger portion of their church body.

  1. Help the church connect contributions to individual donors
  2. Promote privacy in the collecting of contributions
  3. Give donors the opportunity to designate to specific projects
  4. Reduce the risk of offering counters pocketing loose bills

Online giving with Tithe.ly also gives church an advantage the envelopes never can, the opportunity to give any day of the week! If one simply forgets to drop their offering in the plate or if they miss due to sickness or vacation, they can simply go online at any time and donate. Churches no longer have to worry about their weekly offerings in relation to poor attendance during the holidays or summer vacations, their members can still participate in their weekly giving through the ease of online giving!

For churches with no database to keep track of their contributions, Tithe.ly is a great free solution with their admin batch entry. If you already have a database, Tithe.ly will sync with most cloud based softwares to streamline the online giving.

Have questions with your contributions or church financials? Contact Professional Support Staff today and see what we can streamline for you!

www.profinancialstaff.com / 865.272.6550 / info@profinancialstaff.com