4 Tools To Streamline Your Office!

Wanting your ministry to move forward, but find some of your office systems may be holding you back? Professional Support Staff is here to help! We offer virtual PA’s (Personal Assistants) that can help implement these tools today to streamline your office and let you get back to the main mission.

4 Tools To Streamline Your Office!

POLICY AND PROCEDURE – Having a written policy and procedure for each position is a great tool that every ministry should have! It gives your ministry structure and communicates your expectation to your employees. You can also use this in every department to train your staff and make them aware of the guidelines you use to operate. Let Pro Support Staff streamline your Human Resources Today!

DATABASE – For a church, it’s all about relationships. Implementing a database to keep up with your ministries and church family will only help enhance your relationships and keep them from falling through the cracks. With technology, it is getting easier to start and keep up to date all the important details of the people you deal with, without slowing you down. Pro Support Staff can get you back to a Ministry-Life-Balance!

OFFICE CALENDAR – Having a master calendar for your office will keep the communication open between your staff. Assign one person to coordinate the schedules of your church and run all meetings and events through them. This will avoid double scheduling of your staff’s time and will keep something from being overlooked. Pro Support Staff can keep you and your staff striving together which makes for a happy workplace!

RECORDS  – No matter the focus of your office, its necessary to know what you did, when you did it, and how much it cost you. Organize and file your projects (printed pieces, marketing pieces, meeting notes, sermons, etc…) in a simple way that is easy to maintain, as well as, to search and find. Filing cabinets are the black hole for records. Let Pro Support Staff take your office to a whole new level of productivity and save money now!

To get your started with streamlining your office, call us today at (865) 272-6550 or visit our website www.profinancialstaff.com.