Are You Playing Hide And Seek In Your Community

It finally came, the literature piece you have been designing for weeks for your church. You sent it to the printers and have waited patiently, and now it’s here! You immediately put some in your pocket and give them out on Sunday to your members so that they can tell others about your church. Everyone is excited and ready to share your church to the community. They feel confident having something nicely designed that they can physically hand to people when talking about church. It helps guide them as they talk to strangers and share the gospel or information about your church’s ministries. In return, some keep the information and even visit your church to see what it’s all about. Through this cycle, the goal of the designed piece has been met.

In our previous post, Entering Every Home In Your Community, we learned to view our websites as a digital invitation or gospel tract. It is something that at any point in time one of your neighbors may lookup and view its content. It is great to have the physical pieces, but we live in a culture where people move between the physical and digital world all day long. They don’t see it as two separate areas of their lives. Our websites allow us to meet them digitally, while the printed piece lets us meet them physically.

Tips for Physical and Digital Invites to Your Community!

  1. Make It Attractive – The way you design your printed piece will determine how people respond in taking and reading it. The same is true about your website. We need to design our websites with a clean, simple look that is easy to view and read.
  2. Build Strong Content – It’s easy to design things to look nice, but if there is no substantial information, people will look elsewhere quickly.
  3. Keep It Updated – While the brand of your church remains the same your printed pieces vary depending on the time of year or what you are trying to emphasize. This helps target new audiences to share the same message. The same goes for your website. The core of the design will stay the same, but it is important to continually add new content. This strengthens your web presence to allow more people to easily find you.

Quit playing hide-and-seek in the digital world. Contact Professional Support Staff today and let one of our dedicated web developers design your church the website your community is looking for – starting at just $895.00! Sign up today and receive 10% off! / 865.272.6550 /