Growing Your Business With A Virtual Bookkeeper

We get it: running a small business is hard work and takes more time than you have to offer. You’re protective and rightfully so! You took an idea/passion and turned it into a successful business. But with the growth, there are more hats than you can possibly wear in a day, and that is where…

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Are Your Church Financials Holding You Back?

Every pastor deals with the issue of stewardship from the pulpit, but have they structured their church to lead the way by example on financial stewardship? Is there a transparency to their members and donors that encourage them to give more? The pastor’s knowledge and understanding, or lack thereof, on how to communicate the financial…

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Are You Safe From Church Fraud?

Churches are an easy target for embezzlement and usually the theft is not even detected until it has been going on for over a year. Per the Status of Global Mission report from the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, church fraud is on the rise. Christian organizations worldwide lost 50 billion of all funds…

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Don't Lose Money Counting It!

When running a business, no matter the size, time is the one thing you’re always chasing. Your attention is pulled in a million directions and its up to you to decide when to give and take. Multitasking is common, but usually more unproductive than effective. As a leader, you can only properly manage a handful…

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